Sunday, June 27, 2010


Love makes the life worth living, they say, 
the only existent, felt real.
Fair enough it might be,
one of a kind, helps every pain to heal!

Countless aspects it has got,
can touch you in any guise.
It can shrug you off one moment,
and the other, hold you tight!

Be it the affection of the procreator,
or the amorousness procured of my lovely miss!
Here i stand perplexed and embarrassed,
feeling my entity being amiss!

Purity, the essence of love,
just so hard to feel now-a-days.
All i can percieve is,
animalism and cupidity in every face!

Impersonated as the well-wisher,
will pierce your heart with steely arrow.
Will hold your hand in your high,
and let you go in your low!

A wordless dog seems purer to me,
than all those smart rascals.
For he does not discriminate you,
whether you are rich or moneyless!

You love him,
he'll show you what love is!
Hand your heart out to him,
and he'll give you his!

Won't care if you are clever or dull,
the true companion, even in your adversity!
Be his friend,
he'll show you the unwavering loyalty!

Ever found a person to die for you,
but he will, with a shine in his eyes.
For he only desires a little affection,
and touches your soul, unlike those crafty guys!

Go, have a lesson from that animal,
who seems dumb to you.
Coz he cares, more about love,
than any of us humans do!