Wednesday, July 14, 2010

What If...

What if, the despair of night had been missing,
and the sanguine sunshine was everywhere, bright.
What if, the lust was gone from hearts,
the remnant being affections and the love, delight.
What if, the only season was spring,
and none witnessed the autumn, its fright.
What if, they could miss the lies,
and were gratified with the truth, the only light.
What if, all the religions stood aside,
and what mattered was their union, their only rights.
What if, the hunger was of food,
and the thirst that of the water, not money, that shite.
What if, the fiddling hadn't been in veins,
and honesty was the boon in lives, the reason to stride.
What if, the enmity died out of their minds,
and cheered companionship, the cordiality infinite.
What if, the greed was just a word,
and their conscience controlled their appetite.
What if, winning meant primacy only in games,
and none craved for the moments to unite.
What if, relations were untouched of entrapment,
faith and tenderness their only trades, absent that backbite.
What if, I hadn't met you, your affection,
Would I be the same human, or just an animal, impolite?